Landlords have a legal obligation to pay deposits received from tenants into one of 3 tenancy deposit protection schemes;
The tenancy deposit must be protected within 30 days of the date on which the deposit was paid by the tenant.
This law is in place to stop landlords from using your deposit as their own income and to ensure the return of your tenancy deposit is handled correctly when your tenancy comes to an end.
If your landlord did not protect your deposit correctly, they may have broken the law and you could be entitled to make a tenancy deposit claim.
Your claim can be worth 1 to 3 times the amount of the tenancy deposit paid. The final amount of a claim is calculated per breach of the law.
Possible breaches include;
There are ZERO upfront costs! We operate all of our cases on a no win, no fee basis. All legal fees are recovered from the landlord when we win, along with a modest success fee from your compensation. Your compensation can be worth the return of your deposit in full, plus 3x your deposit value on top!
Itβs important to understand that your conversation with us and our legal team is 100% confidential. Your landlord or letting agent will not be able to find out that your exploring a tenancy deposit claim, right up until the point notice is served to them.
On average, we can have your claim ready to go and with a solicitor within 24 hours of you contacting us. Of course, if you would prefer to move at a slower pace or place your claim on hold whilst youβre still in the property, that is absolutely fine. Youβll never feel rushed or obliged to do anything.
Our job is to make yours easier. The whole process is very hands-off for the tenant, in fact, you wonβt be required to speak to your landlord or letting agent at all, from start to finish!
All of the solicitors we work with are carefully chosen to ensure we cover all bases when it comes to Tenancy Deposit Claims. This allows us to place you with the most suitable solicitor to handle your case successfully.
If you know for certain that your landlord didn't protect your deposit, it is very likely that you have a claim. All you need is your tenancy agreement to get started!
All 3 deposit protection schemes have a free dispute resolution service, to help you get your deposit back. If your deposit was unfairly deducted, it might be due to a lack of deposit protection.
Tenancy deposits must remain protected by one of the 3 approved schemes for the whole duration of your tenancy, so if you stayed in the property beyond your initial agreement, we can check to see if the protection scheme was also extended.
If your landlord is not returning your deposit, it could be because the deposit was not placed in an approved protection scheme.
If your landlord failed to protect your deposit within 30 days, you may have a tenancy deposit compensation claim.
If you did not receive a letter or email from one of the 3 approved deposit protection schemes, it is very possible that your tenancy deposit was not correctly protected.
Tenant's Deposit Checker is a trading style of After The Event Ltd. Company Number: 04848404
Registered Office Address: 71-75 Shelton Street Shelton Street, London, England, WC2H 9JQ
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